Sound Proof Music Studios

We have state of The Art Music Studio Facility providing the opportunity for the youths to come and use it for free, to develop their musical skills from vocal training to putting a demo album together that they can use to pitch with record labels for the possibility of securing a music contract.

Sports Facilities

We have the latest state of the Art Sports facilities for the youths that come to use our facilities to develop their talents and their potentials, such as indoor table tennis and long tennis, basketball, volley ball among other. From time to time we will provide sports coaching to provide training sections with tips and hits on how best to develop their potential.

Video Game studio

We provide console and the latest games for our youths to play and develop their skills in term of their reflection action and vision, needed to train for their ambition of getting to their goal of world championship in games.


We will usually organise and host experts from all works of life to come and speak to the youths on various topics, and we also organise leadership seminars and also given them the opportunities to ask questions on anything that they are not sure of, or may not be able to ask their parents especially those ones that grow up as foster children.

Dance & Exercise studios

We have state of the art studio facilities where we provide a well-equipped, safe and secure environment for the youths, who have passion for dancing to develop their dancing abilities, from our dancing professional that we hire regularly to come in and teach them dancing technics, and how to develop their flexibility, and advise them also on suitable diets that they should be having at home.


We provide counselling for the youths who have come through HM correction centres, where we hire professional to come and give therapy section, and help them to deal with the effects of their time lost, assisting them not to re-offend and fit back into the society, while working with them to get their life back together.